Motorcycles are a thrilling form of transportation. However, a ride around the country or city can quickly turn into a disaster without proper safety precautions beforehand. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 111,000 accidents involving motorcycles throughout the United States in 2019.

Riders face much more significant safety risks than those riding in closed-roof passenger vehicles. As such, they must take special care to remain as safe as possible when riding on public roadways. Occasional and avid motorcycle riders alike should brush up on their motorcycle safety skills periodically.
In this article, an NYC motorcycle accident injury lawyer shares his top five safety tips for avoiding motorcycle accidents in New York City.
Top Tip #1. Inspect Before You Ride
Inspect your motorcycle thoroughly before every ride. Check your headlights, brake lights, and turn signals to make sure they are working, as well as your tire pressure and fluid levels. Taking a few minutes to inspect your bike can help you avoid a breakdown when you are in the middle of your ride, as well as keep other motorists on the roadway safe.
Top Tip #2. Wear a Helmet
Wearing a helmet is a legal requirement in New York State. According to the NYS Department of Health, 1,772 motorist lives were saved in 2015 from wearing helmets alone. Always wear your helmet before taking commutes, rides, and trips, and replace it immediately if you experience an impact from another accident.
Top Tip #3. Plan for the Weather
You should always monitor the weather before you take a ride. Look at the forecast for any signs of dangerous or inclement weather and know your limits and choose wisely when the skies are looking less than sunny. You should certainly think twice before riding in slick, snowy, or icy conditions. If conditions look bad, never hesitate to call a cab, family member, or friends to help you get home.
Top Tip #4. Ride Defensively
Defensive riding is when you anticipate the errors and negligence of other drivers. For example, if you see a car veering into the lane, do not try to overtake them on the side; instead, hang back until it is safe to change lanes. The New York State Motorcycle Safety Program (NYSMSP) offers defensive riding courses to improve your riding skills while enhancing your safety.
Top Tip # 5. Never Drink and Ride
Drinking and operating a motorcycle is a deadly mistake, and drunk or drugged riding significantly diminishes your ability to control your bike in a safe manner. The NHTSA 2019 crash report cites that 29 percent of 2019 fatal motorcycle accidents involved alcohol intoxication. Ensure that you and your loved ones always ride responsibly and call a cab or Uber if you cannot ride.
Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in NYC
Motorcycle accidents can happen suddenly. There were 298 collisions involving motorcycles in October 2021, according to a recent New York Police Department (NYPD) accident report.
Below, we outlined some common causes of motorcycle accidents in New York:
As we mentioned, Intoxication is a leading cause of fatal motorcycle accidents. Impaired riders have slower reaction times, which impede riding abilities. Also, it is illegal to have a blood alcohol content (BAC) level above 0.08 percent while operating a motorcycle.
Lane Changes
Motorcycles are significantly smaller than automobiles and enter other drivers' blind spots, rendering them virtually invisible at times. However, injured motorcyclists can hold drivers accountable for negligent lane changes.
Defective Bikes
Routine motorcycle inspections may save your life if your bike is unknowingly in disrepair. Manufacturers are often responsible for putting unsafe motorcycles on the road. For example, Honda recalled 22,142 Shadow Cruisers in 2015.
Rear-end collisions are also common, with 42,219 accidents occurring annually, according to recent data. If other vehicles do not maintain a safe distance, you risk being struck from behind and vice versa.
The thrill of a motorcycle is how fun they are to ride. However, speeding can make risky maneuvers even more dangerous. The October 2021 NYPD accident report attributes unsafe speed to 72 accidents.
Motorcycle accidents are more likely to occur in inclement weather. New York City saw 148 days of precipitation in 2020, meaning riders need to stay vigilant during the riding season. Snow and rain reduce visibility and friction, which can create severe accident conditions.
What to Do If You Suffer From Motorcycle Injuries
You should file an injury claim if you suffer from injuries after a motorcycle accident. Injuries could include fractured bones, scrapes and cuts, TBI (traumatic brain damage), or road rash, among other things. However, it is worth noting that insurance companies are not on your side during the claims process, and they will use your innocuous statements against you to offer a lower settlement if they can get away with it.
Protect Your Case
It is important to contact an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in NYC to discuss your case immediately. An experienced attorney can help you by immediately starting an investigation into the accident, assisting with the paperwork with insurance companies, ensuring you get appropriate medical treatment, and aggressively pursuing compensation for you. You may be entitled to a number of different categories of compensation and damages, including pain and suffering, past medical expenses, future medical expenses, past lost wages, and future lost wages.
Call Hunt & Associates for a FREE Initial Consultation
Get in touch with a legal team that will aggressively fight for what you deserve by calling (866) 456-HUNT (4868) or messaging us online. We do not get paid for our services unless we recover compensation for you.
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