In an all-too familiar yet tragic story, another New York City pedestrian has been killed after being struck by a vehicle. On April 3, 2021, a local and beloved library employee was walking very close to her home near West 58th Street. She was struck by a vehicle exiting an underground car garage. She was knocked to the ground and struck her head on the pavement. Apparently the garage ramp was quite steep leading up to the street.
While pedestrian fatalities are down, such needless accidents still remain a significant risk to those walking the streets and sidewalks of New York City. From a high of about 183 pedestrian deaths in 2013, the number of pedestrian fatalities in NYC decreased to 116 in 2018, 122 in 2019, and 99 in 2020. In fact, in New York today, approximately 3,000 New Yorkers are seriously injured and more than 200 are killed overall each year in traffic crashes. Unfortunately, being hit by a vehicle is the number one cause of injury-related death for children under 14, and the second leading cause for seniors.
Many serious injuries result from such accidents, including bone fractures, traumatic brain injury, back injuries, puncture wounds, and lacerations. And, unfortunately, as in this case, death.
If you or a loved one have been hit by a vehicle, we can help. You may be entitled to a substantial recovery depending on your circumstances. You need an experienced attorney by your side to guide you in your case.
Call Hunt & Associates, LLC for a Free Case Evaluation
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